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We are looking for plots

Choose the model of cooperation you are interested in and fill in the form:

I have land for lease or sale

If you have land on which we can implement a photovoltaic farm project, please complete the data below. Our representative will contact you and arrange the details. We can buy or lease the land for min. 25 years. Together we will decide which solution will be the most beneficial.

    Location of the land

    Ground information

    I want to sell the landI want to lease the land. (min.25 years)

    If you have documents that will speed up land verification, attach them to your application.

    Contact details

    I have a finished photovoltaic project

    If you have a finished photovoltaic project, please complete the form below. Our representative will contact you and determine the details of cooperation. During the conversation he will also ask you for additional information to verify the project.

      Location of the land

      Ground information

      If you have documents that will speed up land verification, attach them to your application.

      Contact details

      I want to invest in a finished project

      Jeżeli chcesz zainwestować w gotowy projekt fotowoltaiczny uzupełnij dane kontaktowe, a nasz przedstawiciel skontaktuje się z Tobą i ustali szczegóły współpracy. W tej opcji wybierzemy wspólnie grunt, sprawdzimy warunki techniczne i środowiskowe, założymy spółkę celową, kupimy lub wydzierżawimy grunt do spółki. Po otrzymaniu pozwoleń rozpoczyna się budowa farmy, a następnie przyłącze do energetyki. Negocjujemy dla spółki cenę za odbiór energii. W tej opcji nabywasz gotową działającą spółkę celową „Pod klucz”. Próg wejścia w inwestycję to min 30% kosztów całości. Szacowany koszt farmy o mocy 1Mw oscyluje pomiędzy 3,8 mln zł – 4,5 mln zł (w zależności od umowy PPA lub wygranej aukcji).

        Contact details

        I have land and I want to build a farm

        If you have land and want to build a photovoltaic farm for yourself, fill in your contact details and our representative will contact you and establish the details of cooperation. We will check technical and environmental conditions for you, set up a special purpose vehicle, buy or lease the land to the company. After receiving the permits, the construction of the farm begins, and then the connection to the power industry. We negotiate a price for the company for the reception of energy. The investor acquires a turnkey special purpose vehicle. The threshold for entry into the investment is at least 30% of the total cost. The estimated cost of the 1Mw farm is between PLN 3.8 million and PLN 4.5 million (depending on the PPA or winning the auction).

          Location of the land

          Ground information

          If you have documents that will speed up land verification, attach them to your application.

          Contact details

          We are looking to lease or purchase plots of land suitable for the installation of photovoltaic panels.

          Characteristics of plots of land on which the installation is made:

          1. From 2 hours upwards – this is the most optimal area for the installation. On a larger plot of land the necessary area will be leased.

          2. the installation can be made on a certain quality of land:

          • Class IV a – arable land of medium quality, better
          • Class IV b – medium quality arable soils, inferior
          • Class V – weak arable soils
          • Class VI – weakest soils

          3. Distance of the developed land 500 m from the medium voltage line.

          4. for the installation of the installation, the best is a plot of land inclined towards the south or flat.

          5. the plot of land for the installation must not be listed in the register of debtors or mortgaged.

          6. The plot should be accessible by a paved/asphalt road.

          7. The plot of land must not be located in an area that has been preserved in its natural state or is close to its natural state and is legally protected.

          8. The lot should be registered in the LSDP and a permit to build the installation in the designated area must be granted.

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